U8 Boys
Our U8 boys have academy as normal on Sunday morning. Tonight Friday 5th July they travel to Scartaglin for the GO Games Blitz.
U8 Girls.
The main pitch is booked for U8 girls academy tomorrow Saturday 6th July from 4pm to 5pm instead of the usual time on Sunday.
We will resume the following week at 11am on Sunday.
U6 Boys and Girls
Our U6 boys and girls training as normal on Sunday morning at 11.00am in our main pitch.
U10 Boys
Due to coaches on holidays over the next two weeks our U10 boys will not have training again until the 17th July.
Parking/Traffic Arrangements for Sunday Academy.
For Health & Safety reason on every Sunday morning we ask all parents dropping off children to the academy , to park outside the Main Gates and walk into the pitch with children. The Main gates will be closed as its too dangerous immediately after training to accommodate all the cars leaving etc. We thank you all in advance for your cooperation and understanding.