Message from our Chairman and Chairman of Coiste na nÓg.
Dear Ballymac GAA Club Members, Family & Friends,
We hope you and your loved ones are all staying safe and keeping well in these unprecedented times.
This is a very strange time where our club has closed its gates due to the Covid19 pandemic, we would normally see games every evening at this present time.
We are and will do everything we can to keep our community safe and well, our volunteers are all over the community if anybody wants any help with anything at all, phone numbers can be found on our website and we have all the Community Information available on our web site and its up dated regularly.
We hope all our young and senior players are keeping themselves fit and practicing their skills at home during this down time and you will all come back far stronger and more skilful with all your practice.
Finally we at Ballymac Gaa Club will do everything we can to keep all our members and visitors safe when the time comes to take to our playing fields again.
Yours in Football
Mike Sweeney: Club Chairman
Declan O’ Connell : Juvenile Chairman
Scolaireachtaí Gaeltachta 2020
We got this message from Kerry County Committtee during the week. Mar gheall ar an Coróinvireas / Covid 19 paindéim leanúnach in Eirinn agus an tionchar atá ar imeachtaí cultúrtha le deanaí, dá bharr sin tá na cúrsa Samhraidh san Gaelthacht / Chorcha Dhuibhne agus na scoláireachtaí Cumann Luthcleas Gael don na déagóirí, CURTHA ar CEALL do 2020.
Due to the ongoing Coranavirous / Covid 19 pandemic in Ireland and the impact it’s having on cultural events, consequently the Irish / Gaeilge Summer Courses held in Chorcha Dhubhne area of West Kerry and the annual GAA Gaeltacht Scholarship scheme have all been CANCELLED for 2020.
Supporting our members, communities and volunteers during Covid-19
The GAA was among the first voluntary organisations to mobilise its members to help assist those in our communities most vulnerable to the Covid-19 pandemic.
As the crisis continues to evolve on a daily and weekly basis, this page has been created to act as a repository for any Covid-19 material relevant to all GAA units. In particular, it is intended to act as a one-stop shop for good practice guidelines for GAA Covid-19 volunteers, offering clarity and reassurance tall our volunteers and supporters. All the information can be accessed on the following site. We also have a link on our web site to the national lin listed above.
Community Alert Teams up with Ballymac GAA Coiste Scór
Right though this crisis our Community Alert Group have served our Community Well. Mass and services have been broadcast for our Community, help has been coordinated and various other links have been formed and communicated to our Community in real time. It is a marvelous asset to our Community and the full benefit of a Community Alert set up,prior to a crises, and running gets information and help out immediately. The value and benefit of a Parish wide network can be seen by all of us now. This week they have a special surprise in store for us as they are lining up with Ballymac GAA Coiste Scór and hope to broadcast a Face book live special later this week. Watch out for our posts later in the week and also our Community Alert Text.
Local Link Kerry Teams with The Ballymacelligott Support Group
Local Link Kerry in association with The Ballymacelligott Support Group are working in partnership to deliver groceries etc from the Halfway Shop each Tuesday and Friday to those that are housebound and cocooning.
To avail of this service all you need to do is ring Pat McCarthy or Padraig McCarthy at the Halfway Shop each Monday or Thursday with your order and it will be delivered the following day.
Pat can be contacted at 087 284 5575 or Padraig at 087 970 1687 and payment can be made over the phone.
Please provide your Eircode for ease of delivery.
We hope people will avail of this service and are very welcome to do so!!
Ar Scáth a Chéile a Mhairimíd
Clubforce App
This week we are planning for when we get back! We ask all coaches and supporters to download the club force app. We hope to communicate through this app going forward and now is the time to practice. Download and set up an account.Next week and during the week we will send out the next step for coaches.
Stress Control programme available over the next few weeks online.
Feeling a little overwhelmed with lock-down? Fear or anxiety creeping into your daily life? This is not uncommon in these uncertain times. COVID 19 has brought with it a lot of stress, but the good news is that stress is something that you can control.
HSE and Health and Wellbeing are offering a Stress Control programme online, commencing Monday 13th April 2020, via
This 3 week programme is for adults aged 18 and over.
It is FREE of charge to the public and delivered by Dr.Jim White, consultant clinical psychologist (and creator of the programme).
Why not give it a go! It costs nothing but could help a lot.
Sessions are from 2.oopm to 3.30pm or from 8.30 to 10.00pm each day
Click on this link for full information.
With the recent government announcement on the extension of the Covid-19 restrictions, Ballymac GAA Lotto is suspended. We will relook at the lotto and if we can/cannot proceed during the week of the 5th May. At all times we act in line with the Government / HSE advice. Our priority is to safeguard the health of our club officer’s lotto players, sellers, and our members who run our draws.
Ballymac GAA is grateful for all the support of our club Lotto.
Community Notes Via web site etc
If anyone in our community would like to avail of our web site etc for Community Notes during this time just drop a text to 0879795220 or email
Keep practicing the below and play your part by :
– Reduce social contacting – stay apart but stay in contact with family, friend & neighbours
– Distance yourselves 2 metres from people in shops and supermarkets
– Stop shaking hands
– Avoid touching our eyes, nose or mouth
– Washing our hands regularly and practice cough and sneeze hygiene
– Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces