Ballymac GAA Club AGM 2020
The Ballymacelligott GAA Club AGM will take place physically on Sunday January 3rd at 2pm once Government Guidelines allow, venue to be confirmed.
Should it prove impossible to hold our AGM physically at that time it will be held online the following Sunday 10th January again at 2pm
Running an AGM in 2020/early 2021
Croke Park made changes to the rule to take note of COVID 19 and the restrictions’ around same. The following three rule changes came in to effect in relation to Running an AGM in 2020/early 2021
Eligibility to stand for office has changed from 31st March to 31st October
Quorum {for a physical AGM}:
20% of members is sufficient for a quorum
Or 20 members for a club with membership greater than 100
If there are no other nominations for a position, an outgoing officer can remain in their position even if they have served the full time for which they were elected {for us 3 years}.
The general advice for this year is that this is not the time to consider motions that radically change the direction or substance of the club.
Results of the Play Ball Lotto 23rd November 2020
The numbers drawn in this week (23/11/20) play Ball lotto draw were: 25,26,28 and 2.
There was no winner of the Jackpot of €1020.00
The lucky dip winner is Sean Hennessy The Chairman of our Ladies Club!
Thanks, Seán we appreciate your support.
We thank everyone who supported Ballymac GAA Play Ball this week.
Next weeks Jackpot is €1,040.00 and the draw will take place on Monday the 30th November after 9 pm
Also, we would be indebted to you if you just told one person about our Play Ball Lotto, every little helps. All the money raised goes towards the club’s upkeep.
Our lotto can be played once a week and it can be played regularly by clicking the auto-renew button:
Click on our web site to play be in with a chance of winning €1,040.00 for Xmas! If you are not in you cannot win…
The Young Kerry Fans perfect gift
The perfect gift for the young Kerry fan in your house is now available! We have created a “Ciarrai Óg” Part Of The Team gift Box. This is the gift of being part of the team throughout the 2021 campaign
Not only does the box have some amazing gifts inside that can be used on a daily basis from home to school but the recipient will receive emails and updates throughout the year. These will include exclusive competitions and content right through 2021. The recipient will feel part of the team with their own personal ID card saying ‘Part of The Team’ as an official Kerry GAA product.
We also are giving one lucky reader the opportunity to win one of these Ciarraí Óg Part Of The Team boxes right now. Simply go to the Kerry GAA Facebook page and like and share. We will pick a winner at the end of November.
As this is the first year of Ciarrai Og Part of The Team, there has been huge demand and we would advise that you place your order as soon as possible as there are only a limited amount of these boxes in stock. You can order yours right now here –
Update on Scór
Regrettably it has been decided to postpone the recommencement of Scór Sinsear until the start of February 2021 at the earliest. This is due to COVID19 and the restrictions that are in place or may be in place in the future months. No decision on the running of any future competitions at Scór na nÓg or Scór Sinsir will be made before February 2021. Keep safe and sound.
Coaching & Games
Over the next month the GAA will be running a series of GAA for All webinars. Please see below details of dates and links to register for each of these:
GAA for All – Programs & initiatives: November 24th @ 8pm:
GAA Inclusion fitness day case studies & communication: December 1st @ 8pm:
Health & Wellbeing
What is Covid – Downloadable Kids Book
Written from a child’s point of view, this book will help reassure your child and answer some of their Covid-19 related questions. You can download this free book from McCauley’s pharmacy by clicking on the following link:
HSE Stress Control Programme
As the HSE can’t deliver their Stress Control classes in the community just now, Dr Jim White will, instead, live-stream the classes until December, free-of-charge. These are available free under free zone please visit:
Minding Your Wellbeing
A new video-based mental wellbeing programme called Minding Your Wellbeing is now freely accessible. Brought to you by HSE Health and Wellbeing, this evidence-based programme provides a unique opportunity for people to learn more about mindfulness, gratitude, self-care and resilience. As we continue to adapt our lifestyles to deal with COVID-19 and are faced with different challenges, Minding Your Wellbeing aims to provide simple tools and guidance to develop and maintain a positive outlook by looking after our mental health and wellbeing. The programme focuses on the promotion of mental wellbeing, and has been adapted from a face-to-face programme into a series of short online videos for the public at this time. It’s free to access anytime so why not try one of the videos and go from there. Further details can be found at the following link:
Ballymacelligott Volunteer Group up and running again
The Ballymacelligott Volunteer Group made up of about 50 members is ready and willing to help elderly, those alone and the vulnerable in the weeks ahead. They will deliver foodstuffs, medicine, fuel etc to anyone in the area who needs the support and help. We work in conjunction with Ballymacelligott GAA, Ballymacelligott Community Alert, Local Link Kerry, Pat McCarthy and family at The Halfway Shop and many great people in our community.
All that need be done is to message or ring this number and The Volunteer Group will do the rest.
No one should feel alone or isolated or vulnerable in a great company like Ballymac. We stand tall and stand together over the coming weeks. We have overcome many trials in the past and will do so again.