Changing Gears is a programme which is designed to help people who are 50+ to manage health challenges.
It promotes resilience in later life, facilitating participants to be more self-directive in making life style choices to optimise older age.
Changing Gears is a 6-session course that offers participants time to think about the health challenges they face and steps they can take to manage them better; develop skills which build confidence for the future; reimagine ageing as a time of hope with positive opportunities.
The course is set up so participants can use life lessons from past experiences as well as current strengths, abilities and resources, to manage health issues more positively in the future.
Age & Opportunity is the national organisation that provides a range of opportunities for older people who want to get more involved in arts and culture, sport and physical activity, civic engagement and personal development.
Our aim is to inspire people aged 50+ to be more active,more visible, more creative and more connected.
Age & Opportunity has secured funding from the Sláintecare Integration Fund to deliver Changing Gears to people with health challenges.
The main goal of this project is to implement a positive intervention for people who are 50+, especially vulnerable older people, resulting in better management of their health conditions.
The programme will be delivered via Zoom.
To book your place on the programme, please contact
Fiona Holohan, Engage Programme Co-ordinator, Age & Opportunity at
Dates: Tuesdays 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd February and 2nd and 9th March 2021
Time: 2.00 – 4.00 pm