Kelloggs Cul Camp will return to Ballymac GAA grounds on Monday 28th July and will run until Friday 1st August. The past Cul Camps have been an enjoyable fun filled week for both boys and girls while improving their football skills at the same time. The form can be downloaded from our website or you can register on line at Please note: The Online Booking facility closes at noon on the Friday preceding the week of the camps.
U12 County League Div 3 Semi Final:
Our girls produced a rip roaring performance in Ballymac on Tue night to claim a spot in the county league final with a great win over Austin Stacks. Despite having lost to Stacks in the league a couple of weeks earlier the girls played with great passion and an unreal ”will to win” attitude. We started the game very well and had the first three points on the board, all from Cora Savage. Stacks responded with a goal and a point to tie the game. However our girls refused to let this set back affect them and further points from Cora (2) and Ashling O Connell saw us lead at the break 0-07 to 1-03. The second half began in a Ballymac blitz with Cora (2) and three points in a row from the ever willing Emily O Donoghue stretching the lead to six points. Stacks pressed hard but found the Ballymac defence in fantastic form. Kepper Ellie Sugrue was rock solid and the fullback line of Cait Rice, Caoimhe Carroll and Eve Creedon were in fine form. Stacks scored two points but once again we replied with two more points from Cora.
The halfback line of Lisa Curran, Sinead McKeown and Roisin Long never gave an inch and removed all the Stacks attacking threat. Midfielders Ashling O Connell and Catriona Somers gave an amazing display. The final score of the game came from a fine long range point by Lisa Curran. Our forward line also played very well with Caroline Hurley linking up very well at center forward with the super Emily O Donoghue and Cora Savage. The full forward line of Yvonne Hurley, Ellie McElligott and Cathy Palmer did really well also. We have a great panel of players and all the subs played their part when introduced. Final Score: Ballymac 0-15 Austin Stacks 1-05. We now await the winner of the Castleisland Desmonds/Dr Crokes semi final
Team: Ellie Sugrue, Cait Rice, Caoimhe Carroll, Eve Creedon, Lisa Curran(0-01), Roisin Long, Sinead McKeown, Ashling O Connell(0-01), Catriona Somers, Cora Savage(0-10), Caroline Hurley(C), Emily O Donoghue(0-03), Yvonne Hurley, Ellie McElligott, Cathy Palmer, Sophie O Donoghue, Jade Riordan, Laura Dunne, Lorna Daly, Kate O Connor, Millie Dunne, Katie Enright
A special mention must be given to our large army of fans who turned up on the night and gave the girls fantastic support. It makes all the difference!!
Juvenille training for young handballers takes place in the local handball court in Ballydwer on Monday evenings from 8.00 – 9.00pm. All welcome especially beginners.
SYMPATHY: The Club extends its deepest sympathy to the family of the late Timmy Kerins, Gurranmore, on their recent bereavement.