This week saw an acceleration of the return to our games. Our Club has worked very hard to orgasnise and prepare for the opening.
The following changes to the return to activity guidelines are being made after recommendations from the Covid-19 Advisory Committee on Saturday morning last.
These changes were subsequently endorsed by the GAA, the Camogie Association and the LGFA.
- Open pitches for Adult training next Wednesday, June 24th.
- Open for Minor and below from Saturday, June 27th.
- Both of the above on a non-contact basis and on the understanding that players and all participants have completed the eLearning module and are following the control measures in place (health questionnaire etc).
- On the basis of a maximum of 15 players in a designated area of the field (26 Counties) and 10 players in a designated area of the field (6 Counties).
- Coaching numbers for underage teams to be consistent with Code of Behaviour.
From June 29th:
- Allow contact training and challenge games for all from Monday, June 29th (26 Counties).
- We await guidance from the NI Executive in relation to 6 Counties – non-contact training in the numbers outlined above in the interim.
- We also await clarification on what will constitute a close contact versus a casual contact.
- Restriction on participants-only attending training sessions to be relaxed from June 29th – subject to government specified maximum of 200 people in the ground.
- Allow Club Fixtures from Friday July 17th.
- No change to inter-county dates (Sept 14th for training; competitions to start on Oct 17th as planned).
- All control measures for players, coaches and other team personnel (completion of health questionnaire, eLearning education etc) is to remain in place until advised otherwise; dressing rooms to remain closed until July 20th
- The Advisory Committee is considering the position in relation to other GAA buildings (such as Club bars that are serving food, Gyms, Handball alleys etc). Guidance will be provided in this context before June 29th.
GAA COVID Education Program for all clubs and parents
The information below explains the process of returning to Gaelic games activities and what needs to be done by club personnel and parents/guardians prior to returning to our games. particular attention is to be given to the eLearning module which needs to be completed by anyone
entering Club facilities for training sessions/games, especially all Covid Supervisors/Club Officers, Players/Parents or Guardians of Underage Players, and Team Personnel
These amendments include:
• The Health Questionnaire only needs to be completed once, before the initial return to activity, e.g. training or games.
• Each individual will be required to sign a declaration at each subsequent session to confirm their health status has not changed.
• An online system has been developed for administering the Health Questionnaire. While a paper option is available, we strongly urge all Clubs to use the official online solution to optimise the protection of personal data.
• Details on using the online system will be communicated to Clubs next week, but the latest paper version of the Questionnaire and Declaration are now available at
• Clubs are not responsible for recording temperatures. It is the responsibility of each individual to check their own temperature before each training session and game. Parents/Guardians are responsible for checking their children’s temperatures.
Club Education Programme
On 12 June, we also announced details of our Covid-19 Club Education Programme. This includes three parts:
1) A series of live Club Briefings covering common questions – the recording and slides from the first webinar on 16 June are now available at
2) An eLearning module which Clubs should ensure everyone has completed before entering Club facilities for training or games – available at
3) Educational resources such as advice documents, posters, videos and FAQs covering topics like
equipment and supplies for Clubs, and facility checklists – available at
We wish to draw particular attention to the eLearning module which needs to be completed by anyone
entering Club facilities for training sessions/games, especially all Covid Supervisors/Club Officers,
Players/Parents or Guardians of Underage Players, and Team Personnel.
It takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and can be accessed at any time via any PC, mobile or tablet device. Those who pass a simple quiz will be able to generate a Certificate of completion which they can print or take a
screengrab of to show Covid Supervisors they are compliant for teams they are involved with before their initial return.
Additional information will be circulated Via or web site and Social Media pages as they come to hand.
Return to Games Injury Prevention Program for players:
Kerry GAA has asked all club to forward the below to their club players, coaches, managers etc. Our S&C team have worked hard over the past few week to put this program together for players returning to play after lockdown.
While every clubs wants their players back training ASAP it vitally important to slowly introduce them back into training so as to avoid injury – too much training & load will increase the risk of injury and too little training & load will increase the risk on match day – its all about getting the happy medium.
The Home Workout Challenge Fighting-The-Good-Fight was such a success that Kerry GAA & RYPT are Teaming up once again with an 12 Week Return-to-Play Programme structured around Club Players.
Our expert S&C team have designed a 12 week Return-To-Play programme to assist and help players of all levels prepare for their return to club action.The program will assist in making sure that players are in peak condition when action resumes and continue that condition into match days. The program is designed to reduce the likelihood of injury.
How to sign up will released next week! We will post all updates and news on our web site and Social Media outlets.
Cul Camps
There will not be any Cul Camps in Ballymace GAA Grounds this year.
Ballymac PLAY BALL : Draw results from June 15th 2020
The Draw for Play Ball The Ballymac GAA (Interim Lotto ) was completed live on Facebook on the 15th June by Club PRO Maureen O’Shea
The numbers drawn were: 11,27,29 and 25.
There was no winner of the Jackpot of €560.00.
The lucky dip winner was Maurice Leen!
Congratulations Maurice and thanks for supporting our Play Ball Lotto.
We thank everyone who supported Ballymac GAA Play Ball Lotto this week .
All the money raised goes towards the club upkeep and preparing all our facilities for a safe return to Football at the end of the month.
Next weeks Jackpot is €580.00 and the draw is live on the web site around 9.05 pm on Monday 22nd June.
You can buy your ticket for next weeks draw by clicking the links on the clubforce app or on our web site
Keep practicing the below and play your part by :
– Reduce social contacting – stay apart but stay in contact with family, friend & neighbours
– Distance yourselves 2 metres from people in shops and supermarkets
– Stop shaking hands
– Avoid touching our eyes, nose or mouth
– Washing our hands regularly and practice cough and sneeze hygiene
– Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces