Today is our last day of walking to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge. Go raibh míle maith agaibh as bheith ag siúl linn.
We thank everyone who walked with us this week to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge .
Today is the last day so be sure and log your walks if you have not done so. Sometimes the site goes down if too many people access it as the same time. Try again and it will work.
Phrase of the day: ‘Is mó cor a chuireann lá Márta di.” March weather is unsettled.
Bain sult as an lá!
This is the link to log your daily walk.
De Sathairn: 20ú Lá de Mí na Márta: Ag Ceiliúradh Seachtain na Gaeilge
Phrase of the day: Ag Ceiliuradh-Celebrate: Ag Ceiliúradh Seachtain na Gaeilge
This is the second last day of our walking week.
Jump in and join us today …something great might happen today when you are out walking. Any few minutes counts.
“Walking is man’s best medicine”. – Hippocrates and he was born 460 BC!
Bain sult as an lá!
This is the link to log your daily walk.
De hAoine 19ú la de Márta 2021: Celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge .
Phrase of the day: Fraoch -Heather.
Heather is in bloom in many gardens and on the road side at the moment. Look out for it as you walk today (within your 5km of course)
If you see it.. send us a photo ?
Bain taithneamh as an lá!
This is the link to log your daily walk.
Fán leis –Níl ach trí lá fágtha.

Diardaoin 18ú la de Márta 2021: Celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge .
Phrase of the day: Nach deas é/ Not deas í (Isn’t he/she/ it nice.)
You can use this lovely phrase when you see something beautiful tomorrow on your walk.
We hope everyone had a great day walking on St Patrick’s Day?
Go raibh míle maith agaibh-dos na daoine a chur isteach pictúir agus video do Buddy. Bhí sé ana shásta leo.
This is the link to log your daily walk.
We are a great community for long walks. Keep logging your walks and post daily or at the end of the week. The daily graphs shows this..!!
Lá le Pádraig 17ú de Márta 2021:
Phrase of the day: Beannachtachtaí na Féile Pádraig ort.
Today we say hello to Sinéad in Chicago and Marie in Dublin who are joining us in our week of walking. Tá fáilte roimh.
We are delighted with so many people taking part and even if you just do one walk..that is good. We hope you celebrate St Patricks day with a Walk. Siúl linn inniu!
The graph is shared for the input for Monday and Tuesday so far. The traffic was too heavy last night so the application crashed. After 6 was a busy time for inputting. You can still enter your entry for Monday and Tuesday today.
Beidh Buddy Linn inniu!!
Click Here and Complete the form
Phrase of the day: Conas atá an Misneach” (How is the courage) See explanation below.
The graph is shared for the input for Monday so far. The traffic was too heavy last night so the application crashed. After 6 was a busy time for inputting. You can still enter your entry for Monday today.
Click Here and Complete the form
Conas atá an Misneach”
This is a common greeting in Corca Dhuibhne. It reveals a great deal about the culture of the region. Courage is fundamental to a good life, sustaining us through the bad times, allowing us to reach the good. The question in itself implies communal support for the individual in daily life. It indicates a comprehension of the volatility of courage: it need not always be strong, it may waver, it needs support and development.
In modern society where chaos threatens, and social systems under strain, the need for courage is manifest. It is well to remember that cycles change. The sun shines again. no matter how strong the storm. We endure, things will improve. Keep up your courage, and accept the help of those who help you to sustain it.
Ar an misneach a mhairimid. Coimeádann sé an dé ionainn, nuair a chaithimid coimeád sa tsúil, agus an saol dorcha timpeall orainn, go drí go ngealann an ghrian aris dúinn. Rud a dhéanann, le foighne. Aithníonn an beannú coitianta seo i gCora Dhuibhne tábacht an mhisnigh, tuigeann sé a leochaileacht, tacaíonn sé lena fhorbairt. Léargas deas é ar fhealsúnacht an chultúir.
Éilíonn gach aon tsaol agus gach aon tréimhse sa tsaol, a mhisneach uathach féin. Agus ins na laethanta diana trína bhfuil an oiread sín daoine ag streachailt faoi láthair, ni mór misneach a chothú. Níl aon rud buan. Casfaidh an roth.
Monday 15th March 2021: Celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge .
Tosnú maith leath na hoibre …”a good beginning is half the work” so off we go for a walk today and let us know how you did by completing this little questionnaire.
If you cannot complete it -that is fine just ring one of our volunteers and they will take your data and input for you.
Click Here and Complete the form
Ideally fill it daily but if you forget you can do so the following day.
Catherine: 087-9748507
Josephine: 086-1607355
Avril: 086-3006479
Tom: 087-3106377
Maureen 087-9795220
Go raibh míle maith agaibh!
Join us in a week of Walking and Talking -(siúl is caint)
Seachtain Siúlóid agus Caidreacht
There is an old saying in Irish that the walker is a storyteller…“Bíonn an siúlach scéalach”-! Join us in celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge by walking and talking to one another every day for a week. The Form for completion will be posted here on Monday morning ! Ideally fill it daily but if you forget you can do so the following day.
This year, to celebrate “Seachtain na Gaeilge” both of our Committees: Coiste na Gaeilge and Our Health & Well-Being Committee hope that everyone in the Community will join us in a week of walking. Its geared for everyone young and old, those with IT skills and those without. We will clock up the hours walked each day, share a daily graph at the end of each day to show how many minutes/hours walking we have done in our Community!
We also ask you to keep within the guidelines.
Walk for 10 minutes, 15 mins up to an hour-whatever suits..once it’s within the 5 km limit. If you meet anyone just greet them as Gaeilge and we will share a greeting for each day!
We are asking as many people as possible to walk a little bit every day from Monday 15th March to Sunday 22nd March and this will include St Patrick’s Day. Ideally, we would like everyone involved and we are especially anxious to spread the message to our friends and neighbors that do not have access to Social Media.
Can everyone speak with their family and friends who do not have access to a computer/do not have the skills to input data on line. We have volunteers listed below who will input the data for anyone who is unable to do so. Just ring or text the nominated volunteers below and they will input your data each day. They are looking forward to hearing from you every day. If you can sign off with Slán or Go raibh maith agat.
Contact numbers for our Volunteers who will take daily calls for the week and input on our web site: So if you walk 10 minutes or over an hour on any given day, fill up the form on the web site, and if you cannot do so ring any of our contacts below with the amount of time walked on that day. If you are from Ballymac and living outside the Parish join us ! Especailly St Patricks Day!
Catherine: 087-9748507
Josephine: 086-1607355
Avril: 086-3006479
Tom: 087-3106377
Maureen 087-9795220
Go raibh míle maith agaibh!
Ideally fill it daily but if you forget you can do so the following day.