Dear Member,
As the fall of the year approaches, we will push ahead with our plan to remediate our club’s main playing pitch.
We aim to have a top-quality playing surface available for all footballing activities by early summer 2025.
Our own observations together with external surveys suggest that we have a failure of our current drainage system. The rising level of the adjacent stream appears to be a significant contributing factor. Our remedial work will involve removing the current surface and inspecting / refurbishing the drainage pipes and constructing a drainage tank to facilitate pumping ground water into the stream before relaying a sand based playing surface. We will include the area above the stand in these works to provide a separate training area.
Unfortunately, these necessary works will impact our footballing activities for the rest of this year and early next year. The pitch will close on the 12th of August; due to these changes, we have postponed our Eric Mason blitz this year. Work is underway to improve our training pitch and refurbish the toilet facilities to allow for training and academy activities for the rest of the year. We may also have to outsource playing facilities during this period.
The club executive and pitch committee will work hard to ensure that the money you collected in last year’s draw will provide a top-class playing pitch that will serve many future generations of Ballymac footballers.
Your continued support and understanding during this period of change are greatly appreciated.
John Rice Veronica O’Donnell
Cathaoirleach Secretary
Cathaoirleach Secretary