As 2020 draws to a close, it is time for us to pause and reflect on a year like no other. There may have been testing times, stressful days and anxious moments…. But also maybe acts of kindness and re-assessment
… Read the rest Kerry Mental Health & Wellbeing Festival 2020
You may or may not be aware that the Kerry Mental Health and Wellbeing Fest 2020 is taking place from this Saturday, October 10th until Saturday, October 17th which has free online, outdoor and radio events for people of all
… Read the rest Health and Well-being : Ballymac GAA Community Walking Track
Latest News: Ballymacelligott GAA Health and Well-being
Our Club has a Health & Well-being Committee. This Community Based Committee and its aim is to improve the holistic well-being of our community at large Ballymacelligott Health and Well-being committee aims to… Read the rest
Welcome to the GAA Healthy Clubs Challenge
Our Health & Well-being Committee have registered our club to participate in this challenge.
It is a healthy, fun initiative that also lets us in with a chance to win €2500 worth of ONeills gear!
We encourage everyone in our
Free To All: How to Age Well’ webinar featuring Micheal O Muircheartaigh
Can you take this Challenge? Exercise for 19 minutes for 19 days at 19:00pm.
This is a Covid 19 Lockdown Challengefor clubs!
… Read the rest Local Link Kerry Local Link Kerry Teams with The Ballymacelligott Support Group
Local Link Kerry in association with The Ballymacelligott Support Group are working in partnership to deliver groceries etc from the Halfway Shop each Tuesday and Friday to those that are housebound and cocooning.
… Read the rest Support our Community who are Cocooning or Self-Isolating now
Support those Cocooning or Self-Isolating right now a phonecall, an offer to bring messages can make all the difference.
We’re in this together and we… Read the rest
How to Age Well’ – coming to Kerry on February 10th
Did you know that people living by the sea are less likely to be depressed? That optimists live longer? That friendship and a good social life is as important as low cholesterol for heart disease? That… Read the rest